This is what I have.
ImageLoader imageLoader=ImageLoader.getInstance();
I get error message below in Logcat. My internet connection is working. I heard you need to use asynctask for api greater than 11 for web connections. Is that true? Does that apply here as well?
03-19 08:05:38.298: E/ImageLoader(5173): failed to connect to (port 80) after 5000ms
If the above code is running in your UI thread, then you should use an AsyncTask, otherwise your UI will lock up while the image is being fetched. That's not the cause of your problem though.
Your problem is that the file you're requesting is huge, and so the ImageLoader is timing out.
To increase your timeout, use something like: .imageDownloader(new URLConnectionImageDownloader(5000, 30000)
on your ImageLoaderConfiguration.
That will give it 5 seconds to establish the connection, and 30 seconds to download it.