I have developed an "object pool" and cannot seem to do it without using Thread.Sleep() which is "bad practice" I believe.
This relates to my other question "Is there a standard way of implementing a proprietary connection pool in .net?". The idea behind the object pool is similar to the one behind the connection pool used for database connections. However, in my case I am using it to share a limited resource in a standard ASP.NET Web Service (running in IIS6). This means that many threads will be requesting access to this limited resource. The pool would dish out these objects (a "Get) and once all the available pool objects have been used, the next thread requesting one would simply waits a set amount of time for one of these object to become available again (a thread would do a "Put" once done with the object). If an object does not become available in this set time, a timeout error will occur.
Here is the code:
public class SimpleObjectPool
private const int cMaxGetTimeToWaitInMs = 60000;
private const int cMaxGetSleepWaitInMs = 10;
private object fSyncRoot = new object();
private Queue<object> fQueue = new Queue<object>();
private SimpleObjectPool()
private static readonly SimpleObjectPool instance = new SimpleObjectPool();
public static SimpleObjectPool Instance
return instance;
public object Get()
object aObject = null;
for (int i = 0; i < (cMaxGetTimeToWaitInMs / cMaxGetSleepWaitInMs); i++)
lock (fSyncRoot)
if (fQueue.Count > 0)
aObject = fQueue.Dequeue();
if (aObject == null)
throw new Exception("Timout on waiting for object from pool");
return aObject;
public void Put(object aObject)
lock (fSyncRoot)
To use use it, one would do the following:
public void ExampleUse()
PoolObject lTestObject = (PoolObject)SimpleObjectPool.Instance.Get();
// Do something...
Now the question I have is: How do I write this so I get rid of the Thread.Sleep()?
(Why I want to do this is because I suspect that it is responsible for the "false" timeout I am getting in my testing. My test application has a object pool with 3 objects in it. It spins up 12 threads and each thread gets an object from the pool 100 times. If the thread gets an object from the pool, it holds on to if for 2,000 ms, if it does not, it goes to the next iteration. Now logic dictates that 9 threads will be waiting for an object at any point in time. 9 x 2,000 ms is 18,000 ms which is the maximum time any thread should have to wait for an object. My get timeout is set to 60,000 ms so no thread should ever timeout. However some do so something is wrong and I suspect its the Thread.Sleep)
Since you are already using lock
, consider using Monitor.Wait
and Monitor.Pulse
In Get()
lock (fSyncRoot)
while (fQueue.Count < 1)
aObject = fQueue.Dequeue();
And in Put()
lock (fSyncRoot)
if (fQueue.Count == 1)