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Find Longest common subsequence : my method

I am trying to implement the Longest common sub sequence of 2 strings. My method is bit different than posted here. I am near the solution but little problem. Please help me.

My problem: Desired Output: metallica current output: etallica

My code is :

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Stack;

public class CommonSubS  {

public static void main(String[] args) {

   ArrayList<Character> ss = new ArrayList<>();
   String s1 = "metallicarules";
   String s2 = "rulmetallicales";
   ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>> one = new ArrayList<>();
   char[] first = s1.toCharArray();
   char[] second = s2.toCharArray();
   int j = 0;
   int current = 0;
   int mainIndex = 0;
   ArrayList<Character> sec = new ArrayList<>();

   // search for each char in second            
   for(int i = 0; i<second.length; i++)
       j = current;
       // search for each char in first
           // if match found, add to the arraylist
           if(first[j] == second[i]){

               current = j+1;
           {   // if different char occured in between,
               // save current arraylist in one
               // and go forward
               sec = new ArrayList<>();
               current = 0;        


   for(ArrayList<Character> s: one)
       for(Character c: s)


 desired output: metallica
current output: etallica

I know there are other methods but I tried to implement using simple method. Please point out the problem.


  • I think that the problem is that your i gets incremented and compares the m from metallica of the second word with the last e of the first word, so next iteration it will start from the next letter which is the e (of the second word), that is why you are not getting the m at the beginning. Maybe if you use an i = i-1 every time you ended a common subsequence.