I have 3 tables in my DB, tbl_user, tbl_games and tbl_usergames.
tbl_user has id and name.
tbl_games has id and name.
tbl_usergames has id_user and id_game and link tbl_user to tbl_games
I want to make a search that return users who has any game that the name match with the search string.
SELECT tbl_user.*
FROM tbl_user, tbl_usergames
WHERE tbl_user.id IN (
FROM tbl_games
WHERE name LIKE '%Mario%'**
I tryed this but it return 0 results.
FROM tbl_user u
JOIN tbl_usergames ug ON (u.id = ug.id_user)
JOIN tbl_games g ON (ug.id_game = g.id)
g.name LIKE '%Mario%'
You need to join on both tables.