How to convert 30.55273 to 30.055273 in C# i am working with xbee wireless module and it doesn't send fraction numbers so i have to cut any double value into two parts EX: 30.055273 -> 30 and 055273 so when i send both of them i receive them 30 and 55273 so the zero on the left will be canceled how can i fix this problem
It sounds like you're receiving two integers, which you want to stick together - with one of them scaled by a factor of a million. Is that right?
double ConvertToDouble(int wholePart, int fractionalPart)
return wholePart + fractionalPart / 1000000d;
Note that the "d" part is very important - it's to make sure you perform the division using double
arithmetic (instead of integer arithmetic).
If the exact digits are important to you, it's possible that you should actually be using decimal
decimal ConvertToDouble(int wholePart, int fractionalPart)
return wholePart + fractionalPart / 1000000m;