I have a non-marked brainstorming exercise to do which is related to a further marked coursework which will be similar but more complex. The task for the non-marked text-based Hangman is basically to create a JavaScript Hangman game that uses any of the four random words:
var words =["programming", "practical", "software", "development"];
The program should start by telling the user "Guess the word: _______ ;
now the underscores represent the word to be guessed, which has to be one of the four above.
The programm then asks the user to enter a letter, if it's right, the user will be told he still has 'ten go's' at the game and fills out one of the underscores. If not the user is told he is left with 9 go's and the underscores remain as they are.
I know how to ask the user for input - I am just really, really confused as to how to create the part of the programm where the 'Guess the word: _____-'
is changed to "Guess the word: __I___"
as for example.
What method do I have to use here? Any suggestions or generic examples would be really helpful! Thanks a ton!
At school we did the same but then in C#, if I remeber it correctly we did something like this :
//this part creates the number of stripes depending on your word.
//this part also breaks up the complete word into an array.
var word = "programming";
var letters = word.length;
var loose_letters = new Array();
var stripes = new Array();
for(i = 0; i <= letters; i++)
stripes[i] = "_";
loose_letters[i] = word.substring(i, i+1);
now make something like a textbox where user can fill in the letter with a button
<input type = "text" id = "letter" name = "letter" />
<input type = "button" onClick="checkLetter();" value = "OK" id= "btn_OK" />
the checkLetter function :
function checkLetter()
letter = document.getElementById("letter").value;
for(i = 0; i < letters; i++)
if(letter == loose_letters[i])
stripes[i] = letter;
var complete_string += stripes[i]
I hope this helps, don't forget to add complete_string
to the place where you want your people to see the outcome.