I am trying to make resource calls to multiple endpoints with the same instantiated object. Methods that use a prototype resource method do change the endpoint, but the @id fails to extract. id is for sure a property on the object, if i do a regular model.$get, it works. I appreciate any help, i'm hoping the comments in the code will better help explain.
admin.controller('ModelController', ['$scope', 'Model', function($scope, Model) {
// first call to instantiate the models with the default resource url
function(resp) {
$scope.models = resp.results;
// this event is emited from a directive
// data is a object from the models collection
$scope.$on('modelClick', function(event, data) {
// without this, event fires twice, i am not sure why.
// creates model with resource prototype
// the hope is then to be able to do $get or $save on $scope.model
$scope.model = new Model(data);
// call below will work normal, pulls the id out of the object
// and sends it with the request to the default url
// this method changes the resource url to the correct one
// but id=undefined is put on the query string
// i have debugged the resource api and when this gets called
// the object is being sent to the $parse method and the id is available
// updates the view
admin.factory( 'Model', ['$resource', function($resource) {
// default resource url
var Model = $resource('/:url', {id: '@id', url: 'initial/path'}, {});
// method to call a different endpoint, but with same id from instantiated object
Model.prototype.getInfo = function(params, success, error) {
var response = this.$get(
{url: 'info/path'}
return response;
return Model;
Any help with why $scope.model.getInfo() calls /info/path?id=undefined would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I'm not sure, if this will work, but can you try this,
Model.prototype.getInfo = function(params, success, error) {
var id = this.id; // if id is not a direct member of 'this'. Please inspect the 'this' for any getter method to get the member variables.
var response = this.$get(
{url: 'info/path', 'id':id}
return response;
It could be really hard to put this code in the comment section, so added as an answer.