I'm modding a game called Mount&Blade, currently trying to implement lightmapping through custom shaders.
As the in-game format doesn't allows more than one UV map per model and I need to carry the info of a second, non-overlapping parametrization somewhere, a field of four uints
(RGBA, used for per-vertex coloring) is my only possibility.
At first thought about just using U,V=R,G
but the precision isn't good enough.
Now I'm trying to encode them with the maximum precision available, using two fields (16bit) per coordinate. Snip of my Python exporter:
def decompose(a):
a=int(a*0xffff) #fill the entire range to get the maximum precision
aa =(a&0xff00)>>8 #decompose the first half and save it as an 8bit uint
ab =(a&0x00ff) #decompose the second half
return aa,ab
def compose(na,nb):
return (na<<8|nb)/0xffff
I'd like to know how to do the second part (composing, or unpacking it) in HLSL (DX9, shader model 2.0). Here's my try, close, but doesn't works:
//compose UV from n=(na<<8|nb)/0xffff
float2 thingie = float2(
float( ((In.Color.r*255.f)*256.f)+
(In.Color.g*255.f) )/65535.f,
float( ((In.Color.b*255.f)*256.f)+
(In.Color.w*255.f) )/65535.f
//sample the lightmap at that position
Output.RGBColor = tex2D(MeshTextureSamplerHQ, thingie);
Any suggestion or ingenious alternative is welcome.
Remember to normalize aa and ab after you decompose a. Something like this:
(u1, u2) = decompose(u)
(v1, v2) = decompose(v)
color.r = float(u1) / 255.f
color.g = float(u2) / 255.f
color.b = float(v1) / 255.f
color.a = float(v2) / 255.f
The pixel shader:
float2 texc;
texc.x = (In.Color.r * 256.f + In.Color.g) / 257.f;
texc.y = (In.Color.b * 256.f + In.Color.a) / 257.f;