Let's assume we have the string ONE|(TWO|(THREE|FOUR))
Knowing that std::regex does not support recursion, how can we break this string down into an std::vector of strings, which (in order) contains:
The purpose of transforming this in the preceding manner is to create a traversable expression list, which should semantically represent a nested if/then statement. How can this be achieved?
Since you want the inner most content first you can make use of lazy/ungreedy RegEx behaviour and match everything till a )
with (.*?)\)
or everything but round brackets with \([^\)\(]+
while ( regex_match(string, regex) ) {
add matches to vector
replace matches in string with vector index in curly brackets
Example RegEx: ((?:\(|^)[^\)\(]+(?:\)|$))
RegEx demo here: http://regex101.com/r/pJ4pO7