I am new to assembly and I am trying to make a program that counts up to 10,000 and exits. I am using fasm `
include 'include/win32ax.inc'
inchar DB ?
numwritten DD ?
numread DD ?
outhandle DD ?
inhandle DD ?
strFormat DB "Number %d ",0
strBuff RB 64
;set up console
invoke AllocConsole
invoke GetStdHandle,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
mov [outhandle],eax
invoke GetStdHandle,STD_INPUT_HANDLE
mov [inhandle],eax
;loop starts here
mov eax, 0
add eax,1
invoke wsprintf, strBuff, strFormat, eax ;convert number to String.
;the number eax is now in string form in strBuff
;find out the string length of strBuff
mov ecx,-1
mov al,0
mov edi,strBuff
repne scasb
not ecx
dec ecx
;ecx is now the length.
invoke WriteConsole,[outhandle],strBuff,ecx,numwritten,0 ;write to console
cmp eax, 10000;loop compare
jne LoopStart;jump to start of loop
invoke ReadConsole,[inhandle],inchar,1,numread,0 ;give the user a chance to read console output before exit
invoke ExitProcess,0
.end start `
It is supposed to print Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 etc. but instead it prints Number 2 Number 2 Number 2 Number 2 Number 2 etc. for a while then exits, without waiting for the users input. what is wrong with my code?
Edit: I got it to work! The working code:
include 'include/win32ax.inc'
inchar DB ?
numwritten DD ?
numread DD ?
outhandle DD ?
inhandle DD ?
strFormat DB "Number %d ",0
strBuff RB 64
number DD ?
;set up console
invoke AllocConsole
invoke GetStdHandle,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
mov [outhandle],eax
invoke GetStdHandle,STD_INPUT_HANDLE
mov [inhandle],eax
;loop starts here
mov eax, 0
add eax,1
mov [number],eax
mov edi, eax
push eax
invoke wsprintf, strBuff, strFormat, edi ;convert number to String.
add esp, 4 * 3
pop eax
;the number eax is now in string form in strBuff
;find out the string length of strBuff
mov ecx,-1
mov al,0
mov edi,strBuff
repne scasb
not ecx
dec ecx
;ecx is now the length.
push eax
invoke WriteConsole,[outhandle],strBuff,ecx,numwritten,0 ;write to console
pop eax
mov eax, [number]
cmp eax, 10000;loop compare
jne LoopStart;jump to start of loop
invoke ReadConsole,[inhandle],inchar,1,numread,0 ;give the user a chance to read console output before exit
invoke ExitProcess,0
.end start
Library functions use registers for their own needs and do not restore them to original value. You need to keep value in memory if you don't want to lose it. The simplest way is to use stack:
push eax ; put value of eax on the top of stack
pop eax ; remove value from top of stack, save it in eax.