In JavaScript, is it possible to obtain a list of all functions that are called by another function? I want to create a tree of function dependencies, to analyze how the functions in a script are related to each other (and which functions are required by which other functions).
For example:
getAllCalledFunctions(funcA); //this should return [funcB, funcC, funcD], since these are the functions that are required by funcA.
function getAllCalledFunctions(functionName){
//how should I implement this?
function funcA(){
function funcB(){
function funcC(){
function funcD(){
console.log("This function is called by funcC and funcD");
Esprima may help you. It is a Javascript parser that can help you do static code analysis.
Here's a quick example (
var code = 'function funcA() { funcB(); funcC(); } function funcB(){ funcD(); } function funcC() { funcD(); } function funcD(){ console.log("This function is called by funcC and funcD"); }';
var syntax = esprima.parse(code);
var funcs = [];
_.each(syntax.body, function(i) {
if (i.type == 'FunctionDeclaration') {
var func = {name:};
_.each(i.body.body, function(j) {
if (j.type == 'ExpressionStatement' && j.expression.type == 'CallExpression') {
func.calls = func.calls || [];
Clearly this needs a lot of help to offer much value, but it might give you some idea of what's possible and where to start.