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trouble unit testing ember-data model using konacha

The following test will pass if I run each spec independently. If I run them in succession only the first spec will pass.

#= require spec_helper
#= require models/job
#= require ./fixtures/job

describe "Job", ->

  beforeEach (done) ->
    @job = App.Job.find(1)
    @job.on 'didLoad', -> done()

  it "returns property idName", ->
    expect( @job.get('idName') ).to.equal("#1 - first job")

  it "expects property idName to update if name changes", ->
    @job.set('name', 'new name')
    expect( @job.get('idName') ).to.equal("#1 - new name")

  it "expects property idName to update if originalId changes", ->
    @job.set('originalId', 7)
    expect( @job.get('idName') ).to.equal("#7 - first job")

The error konacha is giving me is:

Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded at http://localhost:3500/assets/mocha.js:4001:14

Anyone have any suggestions. Should I use jasmine?


  • Okay I have a solution. I was thinking the app was initialized before each spec. It seems after the first test the job is loaded so I am checking if the job is loaded and calling the done function.

    beforeEach (done) ->
      @job = App.Job.find(1)
      @job.on 'didLoad', -> done()
    afterEach -> ->