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MDX Filter by Members

This is more of a general MDX question. I want to filter those dates from the reporting date.fiscal hierarcy. I was previously using a calculated member but I just put it in the query, it doesnt return any results.

                FILTER (
                         [Reporting Date].[Fiscal].MEMBERS
                        ,[Reporting Date].[Fiscal].currentmember > [Reporting Date].[Fiscal].[Date].&[2013-03-06]
                         [Reporting Date].[Fiscal].currentmember < [Reporting Date].[Fiscal].[Date].&[2013-03-11]

               }   on 1
               } on 0
    FROM [Revenue]


  • This expression is actually evaluating 2 tuples and then perform the comparison on the evaluated value:

    [Reporting Date].[Fiscal].currentmember > [Reporting Date].[Fiscal].[Date].&[2013-03-06]

    is :

    ( [Reporting Date].[Fiscal].currentmember ) > ( [Reporting Date].[Fiscal].[Date].&[2013-03-06] )

    where the () represent a tuple (i.e., reference to a cell in the cube). So you're comparing the cell value and not the member dates. I guess what you want is someting like:

    select ... {[Reporting Date].[Fiscal].[Date].&[2013-03-06] : [Reporting Date].[Fiscal].[Date].&[2013-03-11] } on 1