I've been trying to create an mraid compliant ad, but haven't gotten very far. According to the official documentation, which can be found at this link, the addition of a simple
<script src='mraid.js'></script>
should be sufficient. This, however, doesn't seem to be the case. I copied the following example code to test the existence of the mraid object, but it just stays undefined. The precise FireBug error is:
ReferenceError: mraid is not defined
I'm trying to execute the following (very simple) code:
if(mraid.getState() !='ready'){
console.log("MRAID NOT READY");}
Does anyone have any experience with this problem?
Yes, it's not quite as simple as that, and the spec isn't entirely clear.
mraid.js is injected by whatever ad platform your being flighted from.
It looks something like this:
App -> Ad SDK -> MRAID Ad
The Ad SDK instantiates a UIWebView and injects mraid.js to be available. Then your script tag above finds it, loads it, and everything else resolves itself from there.
Your options are either:
2 is the most precise. 1 & 3 get you far, but nothing compares to the real thing in app with an actual ad server's sdk handling things.