Unfortunately things like (f+g)(3)
where f and g are both unary functions do not work in R. Hence I tried to overload the "+" operator for unary functions in the following way:
"+.function" = function(e1, e2){
return(function(x) e1(x) + e2(x))
But if I try to use this, this does nothing. The code
a = function(x) 2*x
produces the same error as if +.function
is not even defined.
By some time playing around I found out that there is in fact a possibility to add functions in this way: If the functions are member functions of an reference class, this works! I.e., the following code (together with the "+" definition from above)
clsA = setRefClass("clsA",
methods = list(
b = function(x) 2*x
inst_a = clsA$new()
(inst_a$b + inst_a$b)(2)
returns "8" (as expected). Hence I already have some kind of a workaround for my problem. Now my questions are:
What is the reason for this strange behavior? Why doesn´t +.function
care about "usual" function but class member functions? Has anyone an idea how "expand" the operator to usual functions?
If you redifine the class of a
, for example like class(a)<-"ownfunction"
(or better yet class(a)<-c("ownfunction","function")
, and make your "+.function"
as "+.ownfunction"
, then (a+a)(2)
It seems that the function
class is treated in some special way: If you run debug("+.function");(a+a)(2)
you see that "+.function"
is not even called.
EDIT: see comments.