Pretty simple question really, should I use my properties to initialize fields in the constructor or reference them directly?
public class Foo()
private string example;
public String Example
get/set etc..
public Foo(string exampleIn)
Example = exampleIn;
Or is it better practice to do this:
public class Foo()
private string example;
public String Example
get/set etc..
public Foo(string exampleIn)
example = exampleIn;
Either way, I don't think either would violate encapsulation so I am wondering if there is a preferred way to go?
Before automatic properties, which were introduced in C# 3.0, your second example is more "proper" in my opinion. Now with automatic properties I think this is best:
public class Foo()
private string example;
public String Example
{ get; set; }
public Foo(string exampleIn)
Example = exampleIn;