hi there i am writing a script to read data from some json
I want to do a few things:
loop through the data and add new <divs>
containg the data from the json
i would like to have 3 items per row
this is my first time trying to use this method of adding divs to the dom i want to generate the rows (the json sample data i have attached only has 1 entry) my intended html structure is as follows: (the relatedDetails and related header divs already exist on the page.
<div class="relatedDetails">
<div class="relatedHeader">Unit Bases near by:</div>
<div class="detailRow">
<div class="relatedItem">
<img class="relatedImage" src=""/>
<div class="relatedTitle">Title</div>
<div class="relatedItem">
<img class="relatedImage" src=""/>
<div class="relatedTitle">Title</div>
<div class="relatedItem">
<img class="relatedImage" src=""/>
<div class="relatedTitle">Title</div>
<div class="detailRow">
<div class="relatedItem">
<img class="relatedImage" src=""/>
<div class="relatedTitle">Title</div>
<div class="relatedItem">
<img class="relatedImage" src=""/>
<div class="relatedTitle">Title</div>
<div class="relatedItem">
<img class="relatedImage" src=""/>
<div class="relatedTitle">Title</div>
my json looks like this:
[{"id":"5","slug":"boston-manor-park-car-park","name":"Boston Manor Park car park","image":"","pinType":"ub","addr":"Boston Manor Road, London ","lat":"51.48967509541307","lng":"-0.3164195004638941","contact":"Reel Film Locations: ","restrictions":"Shared use with park users. External features unavaliable at present"}]
i have written some jquery to parse this data and create the above structure, but its not adding the divs to the dom.
not sure if its to do with how i am using variables to access the classes, so i know which row/related item <divs>
i want to append too, or something else.
my jquery is as follows:
function createRelated(myRelated){
alert('create related')
var relCount = 0;
var rowCount = 0;
var itemCount = 0;
$.each(myRelated, function() {
if(relCount == 3){
relCount = 0;
// create a new row
if(relCount = 0){
var rowClass = 'relRow'+rowCount;
"class": "detailRow "+rowClass
}).appendTo( ".relatedDetails" );
// create a new related item div
var itemClass = 'item'+itemCount;
"class": "relatedItem "+itemClass,
//add the data to the related item
//add item to to our row
// now loop through the keys and values and add the data
$.each(this, function(k, v) {
//add divs to the related item div
test page at: http://2012.reelfilmlocations.co.uk/Modules/builder_areaLocs.php
* UPDATE * I have created a js fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/DizzyHigh/35Jrc/2/
the divs are sinpmy not getting created, i have no idea why :(
it turns out i am incredibly stupid.....
if(relCount = 0){
//do stuff
should be
if(relCount == 0){
//do stuff