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PhoneGap: BarcodeScanner Sharing Plugin


  1. I wanted to develop IOS and Android application with QR code scanning feature.

  2. I do not own Mac machine, I'm using Netbean/Eclipse in WIndows OS.


  1. Is it possible to have single codebase written with Eclipse Windows OS + android BarcodeScanner Plugin, and get built into IOS application via Adobe Cloud Build service

Deeply appreciated if someone could give me an advice.


  • If you're using the online compiler of phonegap (Phonegap Build) then it's possible to use a plugin for all supported devices.

    Plugins :

    In the Config.xml

    < gap:plugin >: specifies a PhoneGap plugin for PhoneGap Build to include in your generated apps. At present, to include a plugin, you will to ensure:

    the plugin is supported by PhoneGap Build; and any JavaScript script tags are present in your index.html file. More details, including a list of available plugins, are in our plugins documentation.

    Goto and scroll down to the BarcodeScanner plugin.