I am trying to override the console in Nodejs with Winston.
for (var z in loggerSettings) {
console[z] = (function () {
var i = z + ''
, _backup = console[z];
return function () {
var utfs = arguments.length >= 2 ? util.format.apply(util, arguments) : arguments[0]
, coldex = 0;
if (true) logger[i == 'log' ? 'info' : i](utfs);
if (loggerSettings[i].console){
if ((coldex = utfs.indexOf(']') + 1) <= MAX_TAG_LENGTH)
_backup(utfs.substring(0, coldex)[i]['inverse'] + utfs.substring(coldex));
else _backup(utfs);
Here var z
is just a the basic console.log, console.info, console.warn methods. The issue is z is changing for each of the anonymous function. It is a bit challenging to address the problem, but the scope of z seems to change and the variable z is not exactly sticking to a constant value for each iteration of the loop. Z doesn't want to stick to its scope.
Javascript has function scope, but no block scope, meaning that every reference to z
in your console-functions will use the last value of z
If you want 'z' to stick, pass it as an argument to an anonymous function:
for (var z in loggerSettings) {
(function(z) {
console[z] = (function () {...});