I have managed to embed my extjs4 panel inside an existing extjs3 application.
I want to inherit the existing css colour schemes for panel headers etc.
But my extjs4 components are 'sandboxed', therefore using the .x4-* namespace for css.
How can:
.x4-tab { some-stuff }
inherit from:
.x-tab { foo: #FFF }
Is this possible? cheers
You can grab all the existing css rules that have '.x-' in the selector and create new rules using '.x4-'.
var newRules = [];
Ext.Object.each(Ext.util.CSS.getRules(), function(selector, rule) {
if (/\.x-/.test(selector)) {
newRules.push(rule.cssText.replace(/\.x-/g, '.x4-');
Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet(newRules.join(' '))