I am using SMIE to parse a language that doesn't always require ;
to terminate a statement.
If the end of a line is outside of a brace construct ({}
) and the last non-comment token was not an operator, then the \n
acts as a statement terminator. Otherwise, if the end of the line is within a brace construct or the last token was an operator, then the \n
acts as a continuation.
For example,
variable := 172 + 92;
variable := 172 + 92
variable :=
172 + 92;
variable :=
172 + 92
variable := (172 +
are all valid statements. But,
:= 172 + 92
is not.
How can I encode this is the BNF grammar for SMIE (or any BNF for starters)? Or, is that not possible?
I understand how I might put this into the lexer and add ;
tokens as appropriate, but I would rather put it into the grammar if possible.
No, you can't encode it in the BNF (because SMIE only accepts very weak BNFs which can't express that). Look at how I did it for Octave mode: the tokenizer is made to return ";"
when it encounters a \n
that is outside of a brace/bracket/paren (which you can check with (zerop (car (syntax-ppss)))