I have several (400) text files each with a numerical file name (ie 12345.txt).
Each text file contains some text(Long description style, plain text paragraphs, etc). I am trying to figure out if I could import all of these text files into a spreadsheet for export to CSV.
The sheet would have two columns: the filename without the extension (the 12345), and the second column would be the contents of the file (single cell per file).
assuming all these files are in the same folder and no other .txt files are in that folder you could do the following
the for command can only result in 1 single other command to be executed, calling a second batch file is a single command which can contain all other commands required
for %%f in (*.txt) do CALL test2.bat "%%f" "results.csv"
set str=%1
set resultfile=%2
set str=%str:~1,-5%
echo |set /p=%str%;>> %resultfile%
type %1 >> %resultfile%
echo ; >> %resultfile%
Run the first batch file and all will be put in a csv called results.csv