I have a doubt about jQuery autocomplete. When I write something in the field like "LI" I need autocomplete returns all the words that starts with "LI" (the words that is in lowercase and uppercase). But when I write this, autocomplete just returns me the words that are in uppercase. Is it possible to change this?
UPDATE: I found a way, I don't know if this is the right way but... I'm using it. It just put in "SELECT" of autocomplete "ILIKE", instead of "LIKE". It works for me, but (again) I don't know if it's the right way to do it!
Depending on how you build your list for your Autocomplete, this may be automatically built in, for example case does not matter for me in my C# code with Entity frameworks going against a MySQL db.
//Builds a search list for Card Name Search boxes
public JsonResult GetACResults(string term)
return Json((from item in db.tableName
where item.NameOfInterest.Contains(term)
select new
value = item.NameOfInterest
}).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x.value).ToList(),
} //public JsonResult GetACResults(string term)
If this is somthign you have to handle yourself you can look at this post as a solution: Case insensitive 'Contains(string)'