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How to handle an exception when USB-Serial port is removed unexpectedly?

My Delphi application (using XE3) needs to handle the EInOutError exception that occurs when a USB-Serial port is removed. The application is used in a test-environment, so cannot rely on an operator to click on the OK button to close the Application Error dialog.

I have tried the following:

  • The "try .. except" method - this does not catch these exceptions. I think this does not work because the exception is not caused by the code in the "try" block. It seems to be a lower-level "system-level" exception.

  • I tried adding an "ApplicationEvents" component to my form. The OnException method catches a "Custom" exception generated by my application, but not the system-level exception.

  • I have also tried adding a global exception hook (as described in Is it possible to have a global exception hook?). This partly works - it allows me to do things before the Application Error dialog, but does not stop the error dialog.

I would appreciate any ideas!


  • Exceptions arising due to USB-Com removal are very annoying. So I'd recommend to eliminate most of reasons for them.

    You have to process Windows message WM_DEVICECHANGE and detect port removing. Then set special flag and don't do any operation with port with this flag on! If USB-Com is plugged on again, then reinit serial port. Some code to help:

          DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL = $8000;
          DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVE = $8001;
          DBT_DEVTYP_PORT = 3;
           PDevBroadcastHdr = ^TDevBroadcastHdr;
           TDevBroadcastHdr = packed record
            dbcd_size: DWORD;
            dbcd_devicetype: DWORD;
            dbcd_reserved: DWORD;
          TDEV_BROADCAST_PORT = packed record
            dbcp_size: DWord;
            dbcp_devicetype: DWord;
            dbcp_reserved: DWord;
            dbcp_name: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
        procedure WMDEVICECHANGE(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_DEVICECHANGE;
    procedure TForm1.WMDEVICECHANGE(var Msg: TMessage);
      s: string;
      if Msg.wparam =  DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE then
        if PDevBroadcastHdr(Msg.lParam)^.dbcd_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_PORT then
            b_PortRemoved := True; //check this flag before each operation with port.
            prt := PDEV_BROADCAST_PORT(PDEV_BROADCAST_PORT(Msg.lParam));
            s := prt.dbcp_name;
            ShowMessage('ComPort ' + s + ' has been removed. What can I do?');
      if Msg.wparam =  DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL then
        if PDevBroadcastHdr(Msg.lParam)^.dbcd_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_PORT then begin
           // USB-COM plugged, you can find it and make some reinitialisation