I've found a trick to use optional reference in standard C++11. Do you think that this technique is reliable and the behaviour is well defined according to the the C++ standard ?
// Optional reference using C++11
// V. Reverdy - 2013
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template <class T = int, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename std::decay<T>::type, int>::value>::type>
void f(T&& n = T())
std::cout<<"is const = "<<std::is_const<T>::value<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"is reference = "<<std::is_reference<T>::value<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"is lvalue reference = "<<std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"is rvalue reference = "<<std::is_rvalue_reference<T>::value<<std::endl;
n *= 2;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int n = 42;
std::cout<<"n = "<<n<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"n = "<<n<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"n = "<<n<<std::endl;
return 0;
The result is :
n = 42
is const = 0
is reference = 0
is lvalue reference = 0
is rvalue reference = 0
n = 42
is const = 0
is reference = 1
is lvalue reference = 1
is rvalue reference = 0
n = 84
It seems to work on all compilers available on liveworkspace : LWS
Firstly, what you have "achieved" could be far simpler achieved by, say, overloading. And secondly, it is not the same as an optional reference at all. The optional reference is a value, which may or may not contain a reference at run-time. The behaviour is well-defined but it's neither desirable nor an optional reference. Binding references to temporaries as default arguments is nice in some situations but it's a billion miles from an optional reference.