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Cross-platform Mobile App with HTML5

I was asked to provide a tablet application with HTML5/JS/CSS which does not have dependency on any platform. Requirements:

  • Cross-platform mobile/tablet application
  • Offline capability and Storage (it should work in lack of internet connectivity and be able to synch after get connected)
  • Real-time data (it should be able to show any small changes from sensor values)
  • I should be able to connect to a CAN interface and get sensor values and ECU data. Because I have not come up with any solution for this part, I am thinking about Bluetooth. However, HTML5 doesn't support Bluetooth.

I'd appreciate to give me some vision if HTML5/JS/CSS can deal with this requirements (especially with Bluetooth)

Another question is that is it possible not to use any frameworks such as PhoneGap, RHoMobile, .... and just develop cross-platform app with raw HTML5/CSS/JS and have all requirements?


  • After a lot of searching I came up with MoSync which is a cross-platform SDK and is intended for developing different mobile applications. I believe MoSync can be the best answer for this question since it is really a rich SDK (C, C++, HTML, JavaScript) and has great tools and community that try their best to help you.

    For further information I encourage developers to check here or visit their websites.