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When reading from a Scanner in a loop, it goes into an infinite loop

Two problems here. When I try to traverse this home-grown binary tree using a "recursive iterator" (an iterator that traverses the tree recursively, puts the elements into a queue, and then removes the elements from the front of the queue). The iterator tends to iterate backwards (greatest to least) instead of inorder (least to greatest). Also, when I try to read user input from a Scanner using nextInt(), the program goes into an infinite loop. I'm trying to catch the InputMismatchException when the user inputs an invalid number.
In the below code segment, I'm catching the InputMismatchException when the user doesn't input a number so that the program continues normally.
Testing file:

package assignments.unit9;
import java.util.*;
import static java.lang.System.*;
public class BinaryTreeTest
    private static BinaryTree<Item> tree;
    static Scanner user;

    public static void main(String... args)
        user = new Scanner(;
        int choice;
            out.println("1. Read data from disk");
            out.println("2. Print the tree in order");
            out.println("3. Search the tree");
            out.println("4. Delete from the tree");
            out.println("5. Count the nodes in the tree");
            out.print("0. Quit\n>");
                choice = user.nextInt();
            catch(InputMismatchException e)
                choice = -1;
                case 0:
                case 1:
                    catch(FileNotFoundException e)
                        err.println("Sorry, but the file could not be opened: " + e.getMessage());
                case 2:
                    if(tree == null)
                        err.println("Must read file first");
                case 3:
                    if(tree == null)
                        err.println("Must read file first");
                case 4:
                    if(tree == null)
                        err.println("Must read file first");
//                  deleteFromTree();
                case 5:
                    if(tree == null)
                        err.println("Must read file first");
                    err.println("Invalid choice. The available choices are:");
        while(choice != 0);

    public static void readFromDisk() throws FileNotFoundException
        Scanner file = new Scanner(new File("file20.txt"));
        tree = new BinaryTree<Item>();
            file.nextInt(); //skip the first integer
            tree.add(new Item(file.nextInt(), file.nextInt()));

    public static void printTree()

    public static void searchTree()
        out.println("Enter ID value to search for (-1 to return)");
        int search;
        Item searched;
        while((search = user.nextInt()) != -1)
            out.println(searched = tree.find(new Item(search, 0)));
            if(searched == null)
                out.println("\b\b\b\b\bNo such part in stock");

    public static void countNodes()

Here, in the BinaryTree class, I try to traverse it recursively (see iterator() and asQueue()):

package assignments.unit9;
import java.util.*;
public class BinaryTree<E extends Comparable<E>> implements Iterable<E>
    private TreeNode<E> root;

    public void add(E value)
        if(root == null)
            root = new TreeNode<E>(value);
            TreeNode<E> temp = root, upFrom = null;
            boolean goesOnLeft = false;
                if(temp == null)
                        upFrom.setLeft(new TreeNode<E>(value));
                        upFrom.setRight(new TreeNode<E>(value));
                else if(temp.getValue().compareTo(value) < 0)   //goes on left
                    upFrom = temp;
                    temp = upFrom.getLeft();
                    goesOnLeft = true;
                else    //goes on right
                    upFrom = temp;
                    temp = upFrom.getRight();
                    goesOnLeft = false;

    public void inorder()
        catch(StackOverflowError e)
            System.err.println("Increase stack size to print remaining elements");

    private void inorder(TreeNode<E> t)
        if(t == null)

    private ArrayDeque<E> asQueue(TreeNode<E> t, ArrayDeque<E> toAdd)
            if(toAdd == null)
                toAdd = new ArrayDeque&lt;E>();
            if(t == null)
                return toAdd;
            asQueue(t.getLeft(), toAdd);
            asQueue(t.getRight(), toAdd);
            return toAdd;
        catch(StackOverflowError e)
            throw new InternalError();

    public Iterator<E> iterator()
        return new Iterator<E>()
            private ArrayDeque<E> d = asQueue(root, null);

            public E next()
                return d.pop();

            public boolean hasNext()
                return !d.isEmpty();

            public void remove()
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public int countNodes()
        int toReturn = 0;
        for(E elem : this)
        return toReturn;

    public E find(E toFind)
        for(E elem : this)
                return elem;
        return null;

TreeNode class:

package assignments.unit9;
import java.util.Objects;
public class TreeNode<T>
    private T value;
    private TreeNode<T> left, right;

     * Constructs a new TreeNode value with the left and right pointers {@code null}.
     * @param value the item to be referenced
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code value} is {@code null}.
    public TreeNode(T value)
        this.value = Objects.requireNonNull(value);

     * Constructs a new TreeNode value with the specified left and right pointers.
     * @param value the item to be referenced
     * @param left the TreeNode value to the left.
     * @param right the TreeNode value to the right.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code value} is {@code null}.
    public TreeNode(T value, TreeNode<T> left, TreeNode<T> right)
        this.value = Objects.requireNonNull(value);
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;

    public T getValue()
        return value;

    public TreeNode<T> getLeft()
        return left;

    public TreeNode<T> getRight()
        return right;

    public void setValue(T value)
        this.value = Objects.requireNonNull(value);

    public void setLeft(TreeNode<T> left)
        this.left = left;

    public void setRight(TreeNode<T> right)
        this.right = right;

Data type (Item):

package assignments.unit9;
import java.util.*;
public class Item implements Comparable<Item>

    private int myID;
    private int myInv;

    public static class IDComparator implements Comparator<Item>
        public int compare(Item i1, Item i2)
            return i1.getID() - i2.getID();

        public boolean equals(Object obj)
            return obj instanceof IDComparator;

    public static class InvComparator implements Comparator<Item>
        public int compare(Item i1, Item i2)
            return i1.getInv() - i2.getInv();

        public boolean equals(Object obj)
            return obj instanceof InvComparator;

    public Item(int id, int inv)
        myID = id;
        myInv = inv;

    public int getID()
        return myID;
    public int getInv()
        return myInv;
    public int compareTo(Item i)
        if(i == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        return this.myID - i.myID;

    public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
        Item i;
            i = (Item) otherObject;
            return myID == i.myID;
        catch(ClassCastException ex)
            return false;
    public String toString()
        return "ID: " + myID + "\tInventory number: " + myInv + "\n";

    public int hashCode()
        return Objects.hash(myID, myInv);

And here's the input file. Sorry if that's a lot:

       196        60
     18618        64
      2370        65
     18410        56
     18465        27
     19967        45
     17911        96
       184        14
     18871        69
     14088        92
     18061         3
       206        31
     13066         8
     12705        14
     15917        51
     15814        60
     15320        82
      8303        90
      7282        73
     12328        63


  • Okay, problem solved. The thing is, I had typed a < when I needed a > and so I was ending up with the larger values on the left and the smaller values on the right, so my inorder traversal was backwards. Second, the infinite loop caused by catching InputMismatchException was a bug in the Scanner class:

    1. The program starts, starting the loop which calls in.nextInt() in the try block.
    2. When the user inputs a non-number, the Scanner throws an InputMismatchException, which diverts flow to the catch block, which sets choice to -1 which causes the invalid text block to be shown.
    3. But what's weird is that in the next iteration, when nextInt() is called, it immediately throws an exception instead of getting input, which can be seen if a print statement is added to the catch block. Thanks everyone who helped me on this.