I have a static class that contains a lot of static classes. Each inner static class contains fields. I want to get all fields of all inner static classes.
public static class MyClass
public static class MyInnerClass1
public const string Field1 = "abc";
public const string Field2 = "def";
public const string Field3 = "ghi";
public static class MyInnerClass2
public const int Field1 = 1;
public const int Field2 = 2;
public const int Field3 = 3;
I would like to print out the name of each inner class followed by the name and value of each field.
For example:
Field1 = "abc"
I have no problem with getting the name of all the classes:
var members = typeof(MyClass).GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
var str = "";
foreach (var member in members)
str += member.Name +" ";
Or the name and value of all fields in a specific class:
var fields = typeof(MyClass.MyInnerClass1).GetFields();
foreach (var field in fields)
str += field.Name + "-";
str += field.GetValue(typeof(MyClass.MyInnerClass1));
But how do I combine this? The names and the number of inner static classes may change.
Try the following
var builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var type in typeof(MyClass).GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
if (!type.IsAbstract)
foreach (var field in type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)) {
var msg = String.Format("{0} = {1}", field.Name, field.GetValue(null));
string output = builder.ToString();
The use of !type.IsAbstract
is done to weed on non-static nested types. A static type in C# is generated as abstract
under the hood.
Also my solution will pick up both public
and non-public members (both types and fields). I'm not sure if this was your intent or not so you may want to modify that part of my solution.