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Servlet/EJB Container vs Spring Container

If this is right Spring vs EJB. Can Spring replace EJB?.

My question: Is Spring a super set of App Server ?

If Spring(open source) is a container which is a good alternative of EJB container, then what is the use of app severs like WAS(read licensed),WebLogic(read open source) ? and if need web container, we can use tomcat5/6

assumption: tomcat 7 is not used as a app server in Prod env and one is good to go with Spring(rather than EJB)


  • No, spring is not a super set of an application server. Spring relies on some kind of underlying server (something you can start/stop, like Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic, etc.), and for most practical purposes, Spring relies on that server having a servlet container, too.