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Why am I unable to inject angular-cookies?

I have

<body ng-app="myApp">
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//">

Everything loads correctly.

Then in my javascript I attempt to inject ngCookies:

angular.module("myApp", ["ngCookies"]).
    config(function($cookies) {

But it does not seem to find $cookies:

 Unknown provider: $cookies from myApp


  • I'm not sure what is your functional use-case but you can't inject services ($cookies is a service) inside config blocks. Only constants and providers can be injected inside config blocks.

    You can inject services into run blocks but I don't know if this helps you since I'm not sure what are your trying to do with those cookies.

    BTW: you seems to be mixing versions of the main angular file and the ngCookies module. This is not directly linked to your problem but this is rather odd.