I'm trying to call a C++ function from Java via JNA. I want to pass in a string, and get a string back. This is done by using an in parameter and an out parameter. I use PointerByReference
to represent the char**
out parameter. The call to C++ works, but the PointerByReference
is null after the call.
I based my code on the PointerByReference docs. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I've added print statements to the C++ to make sure it's not not setting the pointer to null, and it's definitely not. So some in my use of JNA must be wrong. But what?
C++ code
void processRequest(char* input, char** output, int* outputLength)
// Variable output size from processInput
std::string sOutput = processInput(input);
char* results = new char[sOutput.length() + 1];
strncpy(results, sOutput.c_str(), sOutput.length());
results[sOutput.length()] = '\0';
output = &results;
outputLength = new int(strlen(results) + 1);
Java code
Which is called by java like so:
public class RunRequestT1 {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyLibWrapperImpl.class);
static boolean envVarsSetupDone = false;
static interface MyLib extends Library {
MyLib INSTANCE = (MyLib) Native.loadLibrary("N:\\sys1\\sys1_dist\\MyLib\\MyLib9.8.Q.P3.G15.T\\bin\\MyLib.dll", MyLib.class);
public void processRequest(String request, PointerByReference bufp, IntByReference lenp);
public void clearMemoryPtr(PointerByReference bufp, IntByReference lenp);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
System.out.println("sys1: Reading request");
String request = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("C:\\dev\\prj\\single-request.xml"), "UTF-8");
System.out.println("sys1: Pricing request");
String response = processRequest(request);
public static String processRequest(String request) {
System.out.println("sys1: prepare args");
// code based on https://github.com/twall/jna/blob/master/www/ByRefArguments.md
PointerByReference bufp = new PointerByReference();
IntByReference lenp = new IntByReference();
System.out.println("sys1: making call");
MyLib.INSTANCE.processRequest(request, bufp, lenp);
System.out.println("reading response");
System.out.println("bufp: " + bufp.getValue());
System.out.println("lenp: " + lenp.getValue());
Pointer p = bufp.getValue();
byte[] buffer = p.getByteArray(0, lenp.getValue());
String response = Native.toString(buffer);
//String response = p.getString(0);
// de-allocate memory buffer
System.out.println("cleaning memory");
MyLib.INSTANCE.clearMemoryPtr(bufp, lenp);
return response;
And when I call it, I get results like this:
sys1: Reading request
sys1: Pricing request
sys1: prepare args
sys1: making call
reading response
bufp: null
lenp: 0
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.calyon.gcm.MyLibwrapper.main.RunRequestT1.priceRequest()
at com.calyon.gcm.MyLibwrapper.main.RunRequestT1.main()
I've tried to keep it minimal, and indeed there is not a lot going on.
I've tested with JNA versions 3.4 and 3.5
Instead of allocating a new pointer for your length "return", you need to write to the existing pointer, e.g.
*outputLength = strlen(results) + 1;
You also need to write to the the buffer pointer that was given, rather than just assigning a new value to your local arg:
*output = results;