Can anyone explain all the attributes of "do action" in fusebox framework (coldfusion)
This link is useful:
The documentation within /fusebox/circuit.dtd also has some explanation:
action Required. Defines the fuseaction to add to the Fuseaction queue. Can be either a fully-qualified fuseaction (e.g. someCircuit.someFuseaction) or another fuseaction in the same circuit (e.g. someOther).
contentvariable Optional. If a contentvariable name is specified, all the output of the fuseaction in the action attribute will be saved to this variable name.
append Optional, defaults to false. Determines whether output from the fuseaction will be appended to (true) or overwrite (false) the contentvariable specified in the contentvariable attribute.
overwrite Optional, defaults to true. If contentvariable is specified and this attribute is "false", the template is only included if the specified contentvariable is not already defined.