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Ember.js Redirect to Template

I have a list of matches, and when I click one, I want to display the match. I know that I can do a Master-Detail style page, where when I click one, I can see the outlet somewhere on the same page, but that is not what I want.

I want it so that when I click on a link, it goes to an entirely new page for the match. I'm not really sure how to go about doing that.

Here is my route for #/matches (in coffeescript)

App.MatchesRoute = Ember.Route.extend(
  model: ->

Here is my matches.handlebars

<div id="matches">
  {{#each match in controller}}
    {{#linkTo "match" match class="panel six columns"}}
      Match between {{}} and {{}}
    <br />

// I know that if I have this outlet, it will render `match.handlebars`
// right here, but I want it to be it's own page.
// {{outlet}}

I've only been working with Ember for a few days, and all of the examples I've found use Master-Detail views.

Please let me know of any other information I can provide from my code.


  • <Edit date="March 11th 2013">

    I've pushed a this repository in GitHub. This is a conceptual app that uses renderTemplate somewhat the way you're describing.


    In your child route, use the renderTemplate hook in order to tell your application to render a specific template in a specific {{outlet}}. Example:

    Source Fiddle {
        this.resource('matches', { path: 'matches' }, function() {
            this.route('match', { path: 'match/:match_id' });
    App.MatchesRoute = Em.Route.extend({
        model: function() {
            return App.Match.find();
        setupController: function(controller, model) {
            model = App.Match.find();
            controller.set('content', model);
        renderTemplate: function() {
            this.render('matches', {
                into: 'application'
    App.MatchesMatchRoute = Em.Route.extend({
        model: function(params) {
            return App.Match.find(params.match_id);
        setupController: function(controller, model) {
            controller.set('content', model);
        renderTemplate: function() {
            this.render('match', {
                into: 'application'

    This MatchesMatchRoute is setup to render its template (matches/match) into the application template. And since there is only one {{outelet}} this template (see handlebars below), we don't have to specify anything:

    <script type="text/x-handlebars">
    <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="matches">
        {{#each match in controller}}
                {{#linkTo matches.match match}}
    <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="match">

    If you have a scenario with multiple outlets, you have to hame them, like in the handlebars below:

    <script type="text/x-handlebars">
        {{outlet main}}<br />
        {{outlet nested}}

    Then your routes will have to specify the outlet as well. Example:

    Source Fiddle

    [...route code...]
    renderTemplate: function() {
        this.render('content', {
            into: 'application',
            outlet: 'main'
        this.render('buttons', {
            into: 'application',
            outlet: 'nested'
    [...route code...]