I am using exauth with ejabberd to authenticate my users, but I want to use mysql to store user information, such as GROUPS, rosters etc.
Here is my configuration.
{auth_method, external}.
{extauth_program, "/home/hitesh/ejabberd_auth.php"}.
{host_config, "subdomain.nodyssey.com", [{auth_method, [external, anonymous]}]}.
{odbc_server, {mysql, "localhost","ejabberd", "root", "root"}}.
the mysql database is EMPTY! users still have roster and chat history on group chat,so looks like mnesia database is being used! How do I switch to mysql for this?
what am I doing wrong?
user601836's correct. I misunderstood the question initially. Assuming that odbc and mysql driver are properly installed, here is the updated answer:
... {mod_offline_odbc, []}, {mod_last_odbc, []}, {mod_roster_odbc, []}, {mod_shared_roster_odbc,[]}, {mod_vcard_odbc, []}, {mod_muc_odbc, [ ...]}, {mod_pubsub_odbc, [ ...]}, ...
For the detailed module information, check the official doc: