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SEAM pages.xml conditional redirect

I am using SEAM 2.2.2 (JBoss AS6), trying to implement the following navigation logic:

I have 3 user types: user, client, admin

For each type I am using the following page rules...

<page login-required="true" view-id="/admin/*">
    <navigation from-action="#{identity.logout}">
        <redirect view-id="/admin-login"/>

to forward users to the login page when they log out


<exception class="" log="false">
    <redirect view-id="/index.xhtml"/>
<exception class="" log="false">
    <redirect view-id="/index.xhtml"/>

to bounce users who are not logged in. However rather than redirecting them to the index page, I want to redirect them to their respective login pages, to for example, if I try to access /admin/somePage.xhtml without logging in, I am redirected to /admin-login page

I guess I need to somehow get the requested page as a parameter in pages.xml, but having looked through the docs I cant see anything

Something like below (as an example)...

<exception class="" log="false">
    <rule if="#{requestedPage}='/admin/*'">
        <redirect view-id="/admin-login"/>


I have also tried the following,

    <page login-required="true" view-id="/admin/*">
        <rule if="#{!s:hasRole('admin')}">
            <redirect view-id="/admin-login"/>
        <navigation from-action="#{identity.logout}">
            <redirect view-id="/admin-login"/>

But the overrides it and forwards to index.xhtml.

Following some more googling I found the same problem here: which has a (not ideal) solution, if anyone can describe a better one please let me know, otherwise I will use this one.


  • Ok, I found the same question here and have used the solution provided at the end of the thread which seems to work quite well.