Part of my domain model has Conversation
which has many ChatMessage
In my index.gsp I have the following :
<g:each in="${allConversations}" var="conversation">
to display all conversations of a particular user, which outputs the chat messages as
[hi, how are you][another convo, hi again]
which is the correct results. But I only want to get the first message of each conversation. I have tried
but to no avail. What is the correct syntax for this?
If you want to be able to refer to individual messages within the conversation by index then you need to declare the association as a List:
class Conversation {
static hasMany = [chatMessages: ChatMessage]
List chatMessages
// constraints, mapping, other properties...
If you have only the hasMany
without the List chatMessages
then the association will be mapped as a Set rather than a List, which lets you iterate but not access by index.
See sets, lists and maps in the grails docs for full details.