I'm learning myself some Clojure and I'm using Quil. I would like to know how to translate a for-loop into Clojure:
This is how I would do it in Java or similar languages:
for ( int i = 0; i < numSides; i++ ) {
float posX = cos( theta * i );
float posY = sin( theta * i );
ellipse( posX, posY, polySize, polySize );
My Clojure attempt:
(let [theta (/ PI num-sides)
angle (range 0 num-sides)
pos-x (cos (* theta angle))
pos-y (sin (* theta angle))]
(dorun (map #(ellipse % % % %) pos-x pos-y poly-size poly-size)))
All the ways that you have looked for are basically to work with sequences where as a loop is about executing things for a specific number of times. Clojure provide dotimes
to do things for certain number of times:
(dotimes [i 10]
(println i))
So your code becomes something like:
(dotimes [i num-sides]
(let [pos-x (cos (* theta i))
pos-y (sin (* theta i))]
(ellipse pos-x pos-y poly-size poly-size)))