I'm making a simple UndoRedo Framework using Stacks but for some reason something is not working. I have this code to store an object's property, in this case a ColorBlend
public static ColorBlend _BG_Blend = new ColorBlend();
public ColorBlend BG_Blend
get { return _BG_Blend; }
AddLog("BG_Blend", _BG_Blend); //Name && Property Value
_BG_Blend = value;
Now every time I change the blend this stores the new property in the stack and sends a signal that a new action can be undone. If have lets say 5 different ColorBlends in the Log, when i hit Undo it returns the stored properties, but they all have the same colors, positions everything. Anyone knows why?
The problem is that you always store the same object reference in your stack (namely _BG_Blend
), which means that each entry in your stack points to the same object, to be more precise the object you inserted last. For each blend you should store a new reference.