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Integrating Java Help System with Windows application

I have a Java application for Windows, to which I would like to add a help system.

I have heard about Java help system but I don't have much idea on that and I would like to have to some guidelines and samples on how to integrate it with a Windows application.


  • The basic idea is to have a Window pop-up when help is requested (F1 is pressed at a specific context). This window has a JToolbar and a JSpitPane. The left panel has a JTree used for navigating and the right is a JEditorPane which displays the help HTML pages.

    enter image description here

    You can run your own implementation, but the most convenient and standard way of setting up a Java help system is through the JavaHelp System.

    "The JavaHelp system is an online help system that developers can use to add online help to their Java platform applications. The JavaHelp system is both a JCP specification (JSR 97) and a reference implementation of that specification. The JavaHelp system open source project includes the source to the reference implementation."

    Check also the JavaHelp 2.0 System User's Guide.