I am stuck in the following pointer problem:
Say you have a function:
void Function (unsigned char *ubPointer)
int main (void)
unsigned char *PointerX;
Function( PointerX );
What I want is that the ++ is reflected in PointerX, without declaring it as a global variable.
Thank you very much.
In C++, pass your pointer by reference (and don't forget to specify a return type for your function):
void Function (unsigned char*& ubPointer)
// ^
This won't require any further change in the calling code. When returning from the function, the side-effects on ubPointer
will be visible to the caller.
In C, you can achieve the equivalent result by passing a pointer to your pointer:
void Function (unsigned char** ubPointer)
// ^
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
This will require you to change the way you are calling your function:
int main()
unsigned char* p;
// ^