I'm trying to write a plugin for crawljax that runs some javascript code, like this:
String result = browser.executeJavaScript(script).toString();
and the script code:
function getElementPosition(id) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
return JSON.stringify(elementpos(findPosX(element), findPosY(element)));
function elementpos(x, y) {
elementpos = new Object();
elementpos.x = x;
elementpos.y = y;
return elementpos;
return getElementPosition("foo");
This returns successfully, but the result always is null, even though if I print out the same thing using document.write, I get a nicely formatted JSON string
{"x":8, "y":24}
Am I misunderstanding something? Is there some weird thing that happens with JSON strings and java? I don't have a lot of experience in javascript, so am I not allowed to just return like that?
I'm testing this out on google chrome, v. 25
Note: I don't think it's got anything to do with Crawljax itself, as theres a separate plugin (written by someone else), which also has a script that returns a JSON string, but that seems to work perfectly fine...
JavaScript is allergic to new Object(); do a shortcut, try the one below, that may solve;
return JSON.stringify({x:findPosX(element), y:findPosY(element)});
Objects created with new Object(); syntax brings many weird problems in javascript.