I have recently started working with node.js, express & mongodb. Since express uses connect to provide middleware support, I started reading up on middleware and connect.
I came across the following example on howtonode.org:
return function logItHandle(req, res, next) {
var writeHead = res.writeHead; // Store the original function
// Log the incoming request
console.log("Request " + counter + " " + req.method + " " + req.url);
// Wrap writeHead to hook into the exit path through the layers.
res.writeHead = function (code, headers) {
res.writeHead = writeHead; // Put the original back
// Log the outgoing response
console.log("Response " + counter + " " + code + " " + JSON.stringify(headers));
res.writeHead(code, headers); // Call the original
// Pass through to the next layer
Could someone explain to me what is happening in this closure? The author calls it a
wrapping idiom to hook into the call to writeHead
What does that mean?
It's intercepting calls to res.writeHead
, adding some logging and then delegating calls to the original res.writeHead
It's like a super-simple take on AOP for method interception.