Is it common to use the accepted parameter naming conventions for a JavaScript function? For example:
function MyFunction(nParam1, tParam2, oParam3) {..}
where nParam1
is a number, tParam2
is text, and oParam3
is an object
It makes sense to do this, but there is a lot of code I still see that does not use this naming convention.
Is it common to use the accepted parameter naming conventions for a JavaScript function?
I don't know what you mean by "...the accepted parameter naming conventions..." (I've seen at least half a dozen argument naming conventions in various languages and environments, none "accepted" universally)...
...But the answer is no, there is no broadly-used naming convention for function arguments in JavaScript — unless you consider just using plain names (e.g., without any Hungarian-esque prefixes and such) a convention. Plain names is the overwhelmingly most common thing I see. Specifically, plain names that start with a lower-case letter. Once you get past that, there's more variety. camelCase
is common, but so is snake_case
The closest things I see in the wild in terms of conventions are:
Initially-capped mixed-case, such as Date
or Foo
, is pretty much reserved for constructor functions.
is typically used only for things that are treated like constants.
Everything else seems to start with lower case, and be either camelCase
or underscore_separated
. No clear-cut consensus on that, although I think camelCase
has an edge, probably because JavaScript itself uses it (toLowerCase
, etc.).