I need to create an ArrayList (well it doesn't have to be an ArrayList but that's what I'm attempting so far) to hold student ids, marks, and course names. I have something like this so far:
import java.util.*;
public class MarksHandling {
static Scanner keybrd = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main (String[]args){
ArrayList<String> studentsCourses= new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList marks= new ArrayList();
while (keybrd.next()!="-1"|| keybrd.nextInt()!=-1){
System.out.println("Please Type Your ID Number (-1 to quit)\n");
System.out.println("Please Type Your Course Name (-1 to quit)\n");
System.out.println("Please Type Your Mark (-1 to quit)\n");
(Mind the indentation; it tends to be messed up when I paste in from my IDE) I understand that I could just enter all of them as strings and it would be find; but in the end I need to find which student has the highest grade and in which course...
So I thought of trying two different arrays (One for Strings and one for Int) but that caused issues with my sentinel (Which I am currently trying to fix..)
Is there a way to accept both "int" and "String" types into the same arrayList and access them as such?
Better way to do this in a OO language is to create a Student
class with id
, marks
, and course names
as member variables of this class, and to use
ArrayList<Student> studentsCourses= new ArrayList<Student>();