I have my XHTML like this
<h:form id="form">
<h:panelGrid columns="3">
<h:outputText value="Keyup: " />
<p:inputText id="counter">
<p:ajax event="keyup" update="out"
listener="#{counterBean.increment}" />
<h:outputText id="out" value="#{counterBean.count}" />
Case I : ajax listener method with AjaxBehaviorEvent
public void increment(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
Case II : without AjaxBehaviorEvent
public void increment() {
In both the cases listener will be invoked and does the counter job to increase count on keyup
. So, When exactly I need to use AjaxBehaviorEvent
and when I don't need to use?
You can bind multiple ajax events to the same method and use getSource()
of AjaxBehaviorEvent
to know which component trigged the event.