I have a scenario to get Query Params from the URL. There is a method called toQueryParams()
which will get all params.
But when the URL is http://www.google.com
the same method returning the same URL as query param, URL as key and undefined as value.
var param = window.location.href.toQueryParams()
This is the code I have used.
When the URL has no query parameters ie no ?
or &
part of the URL then there are no query parameters except for the URL.
So how I usually use this method on a given URL http://www.mywebsite.com/index.php?arg=2500&search=Smith
var param = window.location.href.toQueryParams();
if(param.arg != undefined)
//do things with the arg parameter
if(param.search != undefined)
//do things with the search param
alert('User has selected '+param.search+' as the search parameter');
So if the given param does not exist then I don't try and handle it. The method toQueryParam()
is giving you a error you can handle instead of an Exception or full on JS error that stops your JS execution.