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TreeGrid how to check/uncheck all child sublevels checkboxes when marks parent

I have built treeGrid with embedded checkbox in column "name", such as JSON data :

{"id":"1","name":"<input type='checkbox' class='itmchk' ><strong>ECHANGEUR<\/strong>","level":"0","parent":"null","isLeaf":false,"expanded":true,"loaded":true}

because these checkboxes follow tree margins (I hope I'm fine understood because I'm french).

I would like to check/uncheck sublevels checkboxes when I mark/unmark one row but after reading may posts, I can obtain the expected result.

Explanation for example : If I click on parent row checkbox (so it become UNCHECKED), sublevels rows become UNCHECKED

I'm newbie with jqGrid but it is a great tool whose I want to learn properties. Please can you drive me in this way ? Or can you suggest where I can find examples for that I want to do ? I had a look for documentation but without success.

Many thanks in advance JiheL


  • First of all I recommend you don't place HTML fragments inside of JSON data. One can use custom formatter to include checkboxes inside of grid cells:

    formatter: function (cellvalue) {
        return "<input type='checkbox' class='itmchk' ><strong>" +
            $.jgrid.htmlEncode(cellvalue) + "</strong>";

    To control checking/unchecking of the checkboxes you can use beforeSelectRow callback of the grid. jqGrid bound internally click event to the grid body. So is no event handler exists directly on the element the event bubbling take place. It allows to catch checking/unchecking of any checkboxes inside of one beforeSelectRow callback. Inside of beforeSelectRow you should first test whether it was click on a checkbox which you want to control.

    Callback beforeSelectRow has two parameters: rowid and the event object. The property target of the event object will be the DOM element which was clicked by user. Because you add your custom itmchk class to every such checkboxes it will be enough to verify the class on the clicked element.

    The next problem is that many jqGrid method which works with TreeGrid like getNodeChildren has record as the input parameter, but you have only rowid instead. jqGrid save loaded items of the grid locally. So the simplest way to get record from the rowid is to use getLocalRow method.

    As the result the code of beforeSelectRow callback could be the following:

    beforeSelectRow: function (rowid, e) {
        var $this = $(this),
            isLeafName = $this.jqGrid("getGridParam", "treeReader").leaf_field,
            localIdName = $this.jqGrid("getGridParam", "localReader").id,
            setChechedStateOfChildrenItems = function (children) {
                $.each(children, function () {
                    $("#" + this[localIdName] + " input.itmchk").prop("checked", state);
                    if (!this[isLeafName]) {
                        setChechedStateOfChildrenItems($this.jqGrid("getNodeChildren", this));
        if ( === "INPUT" && $("itmchk")) {
            state = $("checked");
            localData = $this.jqGrid("getLocalRow", rowid);
            setChechedStateOfChildrenItems($this.jqGrid("getNodeChildren", localData), state);

    It's important to mention that children checkboxes will be checked/unchecked only on previously loaded items. Because you load the data of the grid at once and use loaded: true property then it's not problem for you.

    The corresponding demo shows that the above code really works. It's modification of the demo which I created by answering on your previous question.