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Check if two "simple" 'if statements' in C are equivalent

I have 'if statements' from two different sources, which try to implement the same condition possibly in a different way. The 'if statements' are C. If at all possible I need a python script that can decide whether pairs of conditions are equivalent or not. A basic example:

source1: ((op1 != v1) || ((op2 != v2) || (op3 != v3)))

source2: ((op2 != v2) || (op1 != v1) || (op3 != v3))

Of course any operator is allowed, function calls and of course parentheses.

Any ideas are welcome.

Edit 1: The function calls have no side effects.


  • Here's the thing, the problem may (or may not) be NP-complete but unless this is within the inner-loop of something important (and the number of variable are small), build the entire truth table! It's extremely easy to do. It obviously grows as 2^n, but for small n this is completely feasible. Like the comments suggest, I'm assuming that the function calls have no side effects and simply output True or False.

    I've posted a mockup example that solves your stated problem, adapt as needed. I rely on pythons parser to handle the evaluation of the expression.

    import pyparsing as pypar
    import itertools
    def python_equiv(s):
        return s.replace('||',' or ').replace('&&',' and ')
    def substitute(s,truth_table, VARS):
        for v,t in zip(VARS,truth_table):
            s = s.replace(v,t)
        return s
    def check_statements(A1,A2):  
        VARS = set()
        maths    = pypar.oneOf("( ! = | & )")
        keywords = pypar.oneOf("and or")
        variable = pypar.Word(pypar.alphanums)
        variable.setParseAction(lambda x: VARS.add(x[0]))
        grammar  = pypar.OneOrMore(maths | keywords | variable)
        # Determine the variable names
        A1 = python_equiv(A1)
        A2 = python_equiv(A2)
        bool_vals = map(str, [False,True])
        for table in itertools.product(bool_vals,repeat=len(VARS)):
            T1 = substitute(A1,table,VARS)
            T2 = substitute(A2,table,VARS)
            if eval(T1) != eval(T2):
                print "FAIL AT ", table,
                return False
        print "Statements equiv:",
        return True
    # Original example
    A1 = '''((op1 != v1) || ((op2 != v2) || (op3 != v3)))'''
    A2 = '''((op2 != v2) ||  (op1 != v1) || (op3 != v3))'''
    print check_statements(A1,A2)
    # Example with a failure
    A1 = '''((op1 != v1) || ((op2 != v2) || (op3 != v3)))'''
    A2 = '''((op2 != v2) ||  (op1 != v1) && (op3 != v3))'''
    print check_statements(A1,A2)

    Gives as output:

    Statements equiv: True
    FAIL AT  ('False', 'False', 'False', 'False', 'False', 'True') False