I'm using Record Editor to read a COBOL file. Works fine, one problem, though. The 3rd field (column, fixed width) describes the type of record. Doing this, also the layout for the rest of that line.
How can I tell RecordEditor to filter lines that apply to the selected layout?
For instance :
Check 6-9 for record type, set rest of column widths depending on that type :
I set up RecordEditor and Copied the COBOL CopyBook. It all works fine.. BUT.. when I select a specific layout (TYP1 / TYP2 of TYP3) all records stay visible. So if I select TYP1, I also see the TYP2 and 3 lines. Can't find the setting for that.
First Thing - make sure you have record selection setup correctly; the RecordEditor works much better if you do.
The Filter Function is probably what you want. Options to look at are
Filter Function (it is the button to the right of the Find button on the toolbar) Filter allows you to create "views" of the file based on either RecordType or record content. Filter Function
Prefered Layout - with the preferred Layout, The column Headings change to match the row selected via the cursor.
Single Record View (click the button to the Left of a line). In the latest version you can right click on the Tab to Undock the screen
(Latest Test version only) Child Records (Window >>> Show Child Record). When selected, the Record Selected via the cursor on the Left hand side of the Screen is also displayed as a Single record on the Right hand of the screen.
Update (08/08/2013)
There was a better solution introduced as part of RecordEditor 0.95. There is now an example macro (ViewForEachRecordType.js) that will display all the Record-Types as seperate views:
Once the macro has run, each Record-Type is displayed in a seperate view