When you create a form in concrete5, you have the ability to specify a Recipient Email
in Edit Mode.
Is it possible to send the email to a certain address based on a drop down menu selection?
Any help/resources on this are appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Mike
No. Not out of the box. And I can't think of a good, easy solution within concrete5, either. You can look at the add-ons in the marketplace (there is at least one advanced form block for sale).
You could also, maybe, send to everyone (via commas, or a distribution address) and let the recipients figure it out.
If you're going to build your own solution, it's pretty straightforward:
*Important -- don't just trust what the form posts... do a basic check (like making sure it's at your domain, or a hardcoded whitelist. Otherwise some script will figure out that it can "hack" the form and add an arbitrary address, and you'll become an unwitting spammer.